Elusive literary works awaiting the eclectic reader.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Back with a list

Ok, we've compiled a list of book ideas that were submitted without accompanying graphics.

We've grouped these together due to the subject matter.
1001 things to do after a funeral. -Thanks Judy!
1001 foods to serve at a wake.
-Thanks Ben!
1001 things to do at a funeral. -Thanks Dave!
uh, we're pretty sure that's an untapped market.

Dog tricks for lazy people and dogs. -Thanks Carl!
Like, "play dead" ?

Funny things to do at church. -Thanks Betty!
I can think of some unfunny things to do.

The book of yo-yo collecting. --Thanks Jason!
There are books for yo-yo tricks, not so sure about collecting.

The King Jame's Bible translated into hip hop -Thanks Tristan!
I see potential issues here due to the varying meanings of many hip hop slang. How about a pig latin translation? Ok, just joking, sheeesh.

Cooking for three. -Thanks Jared!
There are cooking for two books, but three? Interesting.

Funny things to write in a will. -Thanks Dexter!
Yes it's similar to the funeral genre, but unique nonetheless. I can't wait to read this one.

This is all for now. Keep the ideas coming. We won't be doing this forever. This is a book review blog, isn't it?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People need to actually write these books.