A book about rabbits? Disapproving ones, no less. What could it be all about? I mean really, does anyone really care if rabbits approve of you or anything for that matter? Well, apparently people do care. Not to be left out, the powers that be at Harper Collins decided they wanted a piece of the disapproving action. They contacted a disapproving rabbit's owner and asked her to tell all.
Sharon Stiteler usually known as Birdchick has a rabbit named Cinnamon. She noticed that her endearing pet rabbit always had the countenance of disapproval on his little furry face. Not to be undaunted, she loved her furry friend unconditionally. Even when Cinnamon decided to take on the neighbor's cat by overpowering the annoying feline, she still supported him in all his fluffiness. Cinnamon has a blog where people who are interested or simply "not amused" can keep up with the rabbit's disapproval ratings. Believe it or not, Stiteler cares for rabbits, birds and even bees! I have to admire anyone who is able to care for other living things. I do well to care for myself and that isn't saying much.
Since we love the elusive literary works, Disapproving Rabbits is our kind of book. Sure, it is'nt out yet and sure, it's been published by a major publisher, but hey, that doesn't make it any less elusory. Ok, we haven't actually been sent a book to review (hear that Harper Collins?) but we do, nonetheless, eagerly await the book's debut on October 16th 2007. And yes, this blog is more elusive than the books it reviews, so there!
I agree, rabbits look like they disapprove of all things. Kinda like hamsters. Thanks for pointing out the book, I will see how it is. Too bad you can't do a real review but I understand. I love your site, it connects me to great hidden literary gems.
I love your blog. Its funny and insightful. I should know, I'm a college professor at a small elusive college.
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